He really was stressed after they tried to help him. We weren’t home more then five minutes, I was petting him as he lay in his cage and he kind of hiccuped and he was gone.
Jax was my first pet ever, he was really my first love too, if that makes any since.
I’m kind of glad he was just gone, because he really wasn’t feeling well and now he’s not hurting and my family misses him very dearly but we didn’t have to watch him suffer for days.
I’m not sure how I’m supposed to handle this right now… I cried all night and I’m crying again right now.
I miss him so much already!
December 22nd 2010
He came into my life when there was very little of anything inside of me but he leaves me full of hope for the future and a heart full of love.
Thank you Jax, I love you.